
January Is Rolling Right Along

So here it is, the fourth day into the new year, and personally nothing really bad has happened yet.

Overseas, of course, the big news is the Israeli ground assault on Gaza; nothing like a big "Welcome Aboard!" to Obama. At least he has some weeks yet to sort out a response before it is officially dumped on his plate with everything else. I have confidence in his ability to handle more than one crisis at a time.

As to my view on the Israeli/Palestinian issue, I say only that both sides have valid points, neither side has been blameless; and I don't subscribe to the "Israel is always in the right" mind-set.

For what that's worth. Before the Iraq war, I took the attitude that "they" were dead set on having their war, so let them go and it should be over soon. Boy was I wrong there. Despite online friends' warnings, I wasn't paying close attention and never realized the full depths of incompetence/obtuseness/evil reachable by the Bush administration. We should never have gone to war in the first place, and nothing that has happened since then has justified it. Oy. I'm stopping now before I get into a full-blown ill-informed rant.

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