Those old posts of mine were pretty sour on Bush The Younger. My first presidential vote was for Reagan, and then for GHW Bush. Again, not policy-driven, more like what I think the average voter, “normies” as we the politically-obsessed now call them, would base their vote on: vague concepts and feelings. As I recall, when I was in third grade in 1972 I was for Nixon. As I matured, I moved to the left. I had subscribed to a weekly news magazine so I could get a summary of the news, not being able to keep up with a daily paper. I chose US News & World Report, but as time went by I found myself disagreeing with the columnists and the general tone of the reporting. I was on Compuserve and joined the Canopus forum founded by Will Zachmann (and hey! while looking that up discovered it’s still around, on Facebook!). That broadened my horizons considerably.
Now I am hard liberal, or progressive; I voted for Gore, and Kerry (and was gobsmacked when GWB was RE-elected!). Obama, Hilary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Harris, of course. Growing up in the NYC-metro area (in North Jersey, line-of-sight with the Empire State Building with its TV antenna) I was exposed to Donald Trump at a tender age, and ignored the attention-seeking blowhard, along with the other detritus of the Daily News society pages.
And here we are. Gobsmacked is inadequate to describe how I feel about Trump being re-elected. If GWB was bad, DJT is catastrophic. I really only wanted to read about a second Trump term in alternate-history speculative fiction.
This blog will channel my political self, so I can be a bit more social and temperate over on “Slit Eyes Look At Life”. Not that anyone will be reading either, but at least I have a space to vent. So it goes.
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